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Weekly Pass

$60 /week
Card payment only

Monthly Plan

$150 /month
Save $90 vs weekly plan
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3 Months Plan

$300 /3 months
Save $420 vs weekly plan
Card payment only

Annual Plan

$1000 /year
Save $2120 vs weekly plan
Card payment only
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Who is your teacher?

Pasha - Your Rugging Teacher

Pasha is a MMA fighter from Moscow. He learned how to do rug pulling all by himself, and got very good at it. Eventually he opened up this academy, where he teaches you how to rug pull yourself.

Pasha hopes to create a good community of experienced rug pullers, who he can eventually form a solid team with to pull off the biggest rug pulls in history.

With academy rug pulls, he rug pulls with the academy members's funds. Where 100% of the profit is sent back to the academy, so academy members can earn money while learning how to do it themselves. There are 0 risks in academy rug pulls. If any losses are incurred for whatever reason, Pasha pays it out of pocket.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum budget that I can start with?

With 2-5 SOL you can do your own launch, with less than that it's better to join our academy launches!

Where can I learn everything about rug pulling starting from creating wallet to making 10-20x from rug pull?

You can learn it at the Educational Rug Pull Academy and actually get a certificate for being official rug puller graduate!

Where can I find more information about the Academy?

Inside of our Discord server!

Join the academy now